Merci Train - Arkansas

Arkansas Flag
Arkansas Merci Boxcar

American Legion Post #41
409 Porter St
Helena, AR 72342

John C. Edwards
726 Columbia
Helena, AR 77342



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Sixteen year old completes a project to restore the Arkansas boxcar to earn Eagle Scout badge.

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Arkansas gift 1 Restored Arkansas Merci Boxcar

Tristan Ainsworth (on the right) and his Dad, Warren "Bud" Ainsworth of West Helena, ARK.
We wish to thank and congratulate the Ainsworths and all who donated labor, money, or materials to assist in the project on a wonderful job well done.

For many years there was no public knowledge of the fate of any of the Arkansas Merci Train gifts, but during the past decade it has been revealed that a few (pictured below) are in the holdings of the Arkansas Arts Center.
Arkansas Arts Center
MacArthur Park, 501 East 9th
Little Rock, AR 72203-2137
(501) 372-4000
Contact: Keith Melton

Arkansas gift 1 Arkansas gift 2

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German Dark Blue Glazed Stoneware Jug - circa 1900 - ceramic
German Dark Blue Glazed Stoneware Jug
circa 1900 - ceramic
Arkansas gift 3 Glass bowl, 19th century
Glass bowl, 19th century

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