Merci Train - Utah

Boxcar at Union Station RR Museum in October 2006

Above Photo by Lee Witten

Recent photo of the Utah Merci Baxcar

Above Photo by M. G. Beck

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Utah Flag

Printer Friendly version of the below location information.

Earl Bennett at the Utah Merci boxcar in Salt Lake City, Spring of 2000

Earl Bennett at the Utah Merci boxcar
in Salt Lake City, Spring of 2000

Ogden Union Station
2501 Wall St
Ogden, Utah 84401
(801) 393-9890

The Utah boxcar had been on display at the Ogden Union Station, but has been moved to an out of state location for refurbishment. When the work is complete, the car should return to the Ogden Union Station location. Date of return is unknown.

Ms. Linda Thatcher
Utah State Historical Society
300 Rio Grande
Salt Lake City, UT 84101
(801) 596-1730
Byron Lewis - (801) 782-6210

There is no knowledge of any existing gifts

Click here to view the pdf file about the Utah Merci Train.

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